Support for Orphaned Families

Uganda is a Central African country of 35 million people that gained its independence in 1962 after living as a British colony for many years. The orphaned population of Uganda, which is in a kind of open-air orphanage, is 2.5 million...

Support for Orphaned Families

Children constitute the largest group who experience poverty in the most painful way with a rate of 60%. These children, who are deprived of educational opportunities have little control over determining their fate and are often ignored and mistreated.

Children with AIDS and orphans with a high number are also in a very bad situation in terms of building a future, as they are very poor and also deprived of educational opportunities.

As Kalaycı Development Foundation, we prioritize the education of our children. We are cooperating with the municipalities on the identification of needy families.

We distribute cash assistance to orphaned children and their families. We deliver the relics we have received from you for orphans to our children and their families.

Support for Orphaned Families

Do you want to touch the lives of orphans, support their education, shed light on their future?

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Support for Orphaned Families

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