Kalaycı Foundation

A person is as happy with his life as with his good deeds.

Kalaycı Development Foundation

Out of sight, but so close to the hearts!

We are here to be your hand reaching out to these lands that your eyes cannot see; a drop of water, a hope for the future, a breath of life. As Kalaycı Development Foundation, we provide the necessary organizations with our professional team for the work that you will do/plan to do in Uganda.

We are carrying out works in many fields such as orphan studies, Ramadan and sacrifice organizations, especially in the construction of water wells and masjids, and we are implementing your projects.

Out of sight, but so close to the hearts!
Life without water is like living in the desert.

Our Projects in the Region

Uganda Water Map

Uganda Water Map

We are working to ensure that millions of people with water shortage problems in Uganda have access to clean water to meet their every need.

15-20 Water Wells
Drilled in Different Regions Every Month
Sacrifice of 20-25 Cattle
as Religious Offering - Aqiqah - Praise Every Month
90 Orphans
Supported Every Month
Sacrifice Share for 20.000 Families
in 2021 Sacrifice Organization

From the Completed Works


January 2021 - Aslıhan Yılmaz Water Well - 0052


January 2021 - Aslıhan Yılmaz Water Well Opened


January 2021 - Aysun and Orhan Ayhan Water Well - 0053


January 2021 - Aysun and Orhan Ayhan Water Well Opened


January 2021 - Çalışan Gençlik Water Well


January 2021 - Çalışan Gençlik Water Well Opened
